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D’APPOLONIA – Towards total safety management: web solutions for companies
EARTO Innovation Awards 2016 – Impact Expected Category

Businesses of all sizes and across many industries have already experienced crises and accidents, sometimes harming people. While methods and tools exist to assist businesses in planing and mitigating risks in safety-critical activities, they are not widely used, often too difficult or disconnected from other planning activities. The fragmented structure of the safety services market is also very challenging.
Innovation: Through the EU-funded TOSCA Project, EARTO member D’Appolonia coordinated the consortium that developed new web solutions that can lift such barriers and achieve higher productivity and safety management. Focusing on critical activities, the developed methodology vertically integrates and bundles together all the services needed, including modelling approaches, methods and IT tools. User-friendly, customizable and offering return on investment, Tosca solutions can be sustainably adopted by clients thanks to a mentoring and virtual reality training program.
Impact Expected: The spin-out company Tosca Solutions is to commercialise some of these web solutions in the safety services market, which should grow to $5.24 billion by 2016. Tosca Solutions will follow a simple go-to-market strategy, providing unique services and software towards total safety management.
More information about this innovation
D’Appolonia is an Italian organisation supporting public and private clients from concept to decommissioning, through consultancy, design, management, operation and maintenance.