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CIDETEC – Damaged skin? Not anymore

EARTO Innovation Awards 2019 – Impact Expected Category

    The cosmetic industry is constantly looking for new innovations to better address the needs of consumers, especially at a time when medicine needs to be more and more personalised. Innovation in cosmetic ingredients and products’ formulation is needed to keep up with market needs and provide personalised skin service.   Innovation: EARTO Member CIDETEC developed a ready-to-use smart nanoencapsulation technology that interprets skin needs to deliver natural active ingredient where actually required. The nanocapsules are based on specially designed polypeptide. They offer a fast and modulated action: releasing the ingredient on the damaged area of the skin, with a more restrained release on the healthy part. The innovation increases the bio-availability of the active ingredient by more than 50% on the damaged skin area, improving its effectiveness by up to 4 times and its stability by more than 80%.   Impact Expected: This innovation has been developed under H2020 project PeptiCaps (grant agreement 686141), under the coordination of CIDETEC. The newly created start-up company EMISSARY Cosmetics will commercialise the nanocapsules as cosmetic ingredients, expecting to reach 20% of the smart encapsulation cosmetic market within 5 years. The total revenue in 2024 is expected to be €9.3M.  
More information about this innovation
  CIDETEC is an organisation for applied research that integrates three international reference institutes in the fields of energy storage, surface engineering and nonomedicine.