16 / 01 / 2020

EP sets higher ambitions for EU Green Deal

The European Parliament (EP) at its plenary session on 15 January 2020, welcomed the European Green Deal, which was unveiled by the European Commission (EC) on 11 December, as a response to the climate and environmental-related challenges. MEPs also supported Sustainable Europe Investment Plan in order to reduce the investment gap and, at the same time, called for ”an adequately funded just transition mechanism”.   The EP also welcomed EU’s plan to become climate neutral by 2050 (55% in 2030 compared to 1990, instead of ”at least 50% towards 55%”, as proposed by the EC). In addition, the MEPs are willing to push for an interim target for 2040, to ensure the EU is on the right path of reaching climate neutrality in 2050, and to amend any legislative proposals to meet the EU Green Deal objectives. They added that by June 2021 ”higher targets for energy efficiency and renewable energy, including binding national targets, and a revision of other pieces of EU legislation in the field of climate and energy are needed”.   More information