Become a member

EARTO membership is generally open to all organisations which as their predominant activity provide research and development, technology and innovation services to firms, governments, public agencies or other clients, and which are managerially independent.

Full membership is open to organisations established in the European Union or an “FP-associated” country. Organisations located elsewhere may be admitted as International Members. Associated Members are organisations not fulfilling the general criteria for membership but wish to support the association by financial means.

Annual subscriptions range from 900€ for small organisation up to 40.000€ for large organisations.

EARTO Statutes

Individual Full European Members

Individual Full European Members are research and technology organisations (RTOs) established in a Member State of the European Union, the European Economic Area, or, in an “Associated Country” (as defined by the EU Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development). They have a non-profit purpose, and their predominant activity is to provide research, development, technology, and innovation principally to governments and the industry.

Association Full European Members

Association Full European Members are associations of several national or regional research and technology organisations (RTOs) as defined above in category 1. 

Individual International Members

Individual International Members are research and technology organisations (RTOs) not established in a Member State of the European Union, neither in the European Economic Area, nor, in an “Associated Country” (as defined by the EU Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development). They have a non-profit purpose, and their predominant activity is to provide research, development, technology, and innovation principally to governments and the industry.

Association International Members

Association International Members are associations of several national or regional research and technology organisations (RTOs) as defined above in category 3.

Associated Members

Associated Members are organisations not meeting the criteria to be eligible as a Full European Member or an International Member. But they are making a significant contribution to the achievement of the purpose of the Association, by their activities, financial contributions, advice, or influence.