18 / 02 / 2022

EARTO warmly welcomes its 7 newly elected Board Members!

In its meeting held in mid February 2022, EARTO General Assembly unanimously elected the 7 candidates who were proposed for election to replace leaving Board Members (end of terms, change of positions, retirement etc). The 7 newly elected Board Members of EARTO are as follows:

  • Belgium: Anne Van den Bosch (Director Public R&D Policies and Programs, IMEC)
  • France: François Jacq (General Administrator, CEA)
  • Greece: Dimitrios Myttas (Associate Researcher, KEMEA)
  • Italy: Marco Alvisi (General Manager, CETMA)
  • Norway: Alexandra Bech Gjørv (President and CEO, SINTEF)
  • Slovenia: Boštjan Zalar (Director, JSI)
  • Spain: Jesús Valero (Managing Director, Tecnalia)

EARTO Secretariat on behalf of all EARTO Members would like to congratulate these 7 Board Members and looks forward to working closely with them!

The full list of EARTO Executive Board can be found here