27 / 11 / 2020

EARTO Webinar on “Towards a Balanced Approach Between IPRs and Open Science Policy” on 16 November 2020

On 16 November 2020, EARTO successfully organised an online webinar on the relation between the Open Science policy and Intellectual Property Rights, gathering more than 100 participants from all over the world (RTOs, EU institutions, industry as well as other key R&I stakeholders).   The role of Research, Development and Innovation is essential to fulfil Europe’s ambitions such as boosting its economic competitiveness and prosperity, building resilience and technology sovereignty in strategic value chains, or mastering the twin transitions towards a green and digital society. To reach those objectives, ensuring the right framework conditions to stimulate knowledge and technology co-creation in Europe and prevent unwanted regulatory barriers hampering European innovation capacity has never been more essential. Europe now needs to strike the right balance between the benefits of the EU Open Science policy to enhance the accessibility and re-use of RD&I results on the one hand, and the essential role of Intellectual Property Rights to strengthen the collaborative development of knowledge and technology while fostering industry’s uptake of RD&I results on the other.   To that end, the distinguished Core-team Members of EARTO’s WG Legal (Michel Neu, International Expert in IPR and Technology Transfer at CEA and Chairman of EARTO’s WG Legal, Folkert Teernstra, Senior IP Legal Counsel and Licensing Associate at TNO and Member of the EARTO’s WG Legal Core-team and Eva Maria Moar, Head of Research Development Office at Eurac Research and Member of the EARTO’s WG Legal Core-team) presented EARTO’s position on this topic and EARTO’s Paper “Towards a Balanced Approach Between IPRs and Open Science Policy, putting forward a set of recommendations which was published in July 2020 to promote a balanced approach between IPRs and Open Science policy in Europe.   Webinar’s Presentation EARTO Paper “Towards a Balanced Approach Between IPRs and Open Science Policy”