14 / 09 / 2022

EC President addressed the State of the Union 2022

On 14 September 2022, the European Commission (EC) President Ursula Von der Leyen delivered her third State of the Union 2022 at the European Parliament (EP) Plenary. A speech marked by the war in Ukraine and the main challenges ahead for Europe, of which energy price and independence, green and digital economy, and threats to democracy. The EC President announced specific measures among six Policy Priorities:

  • European Green Deal
    • Revision of EU’s internal electricity market rules
    • Proposal to create EU Hydrogen Bank
  • A Europe fit for the digital age
    • European critical raw materials act (EC increased participation to IPCEIs) & creation a new EU
    • Sovereignty Fund
    • SME Relief Package
    • Patent Licensing package
  • An economy that works for people
    • Mid-term review of the MFF 2021-2027
    • Economic Governance Review
    • Legislative proposal on a second set of new own resources
    • Legislative proposal on Business in Europe: a framework for income taxation ‘BEFIT’ Data Access in financial services
  • A stronger Europe in the world
    • EU space strategy for security and defence
  • Promoting the European way of life
  • A new push for European democracy

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