29 / 01 / 2020

Eurostat released the 2018 final data on GBARD

On 28 January 2020, Eurostat published the 2018 final data on Government Budget Appropriations on R&D (GBARD), which measures government support to Research and Development (R&D) activities met from sources of government revenue foreseen within the budget. It identifies thus all the budget items that support R&D activities and measures or estimates their R&D content.   A quick glance over time shows a progressive convergence between EU28 and US in terms of million euros budgeted for R&D. They are therefore both ahead of Japan and South Korea. If GBARD is expressed as a percentage of GDP, the best performing country is South Korea, with the remaining three very close together. The EU and the US show almost identical GBARD as %GDP in 2018, 0.64 vs 0.63 as a result of the differences in the GDP. In the EU, Germany has the largest budget for R&D as a percentage of GDP, followed by Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Hungary and Austria.   More information