EARTO Annual Conference 2014 in Vienna, Austria
How Can RTOs Support the Re-Industrialization in Europe
– Vienna, 8-9 May 2014 –

The 2014 EARTO Annual Conference, held on 8-9 May in Vienna, Austria, welcomed some 200 participants and presented keynote speeches by EU Commissioner for Regional Policy Johannes Hahn and Director-General for Research and Innovation at the European Commission Robert-Jan Smits.
Pictures of the Conference
(copyright: Florian Rainer / Forschung Austria)
Thursday, 8 May 2014
Opening Ceremony
Moderator: Wolfgang Pribyl, Chairman, Programme Committee, CEO, JOANNEUM RESEARCH
Welcome notes
- Wolfgang Pribyl, Chairman, Programme Committee, CEO, JOANNEUM RESEARCH
- Gabriele Ambros, President, FORSCHUNG AUSTRIA, Managing Partner, BOHMANN Publishing Group, Austria
- Maria Khorsand, EARTO Vice-President, CEO, SP, Sweden
- Robert-Jan Smits, General Director, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission
- Paul Rübig, Member of European Parliament
- Andreas Reichhardt, General Director of the Section Innovation and Telecommunications, on behalf of Doris Bures, Minister, Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology of the Republic of Austria
Challenge of manufacturing/production in Europe
Introduction and Moderation: Maria Khorsand, EARTO Vice-President, CEO, SP,Sweden
Part 1 – Industry view presentations: “Strategy & Needs”
- Anna Hochhauser, Secretary General, Austrian Economic Chambers (WKÖ)
- Jean-Luc Di Paola-Galloni, Vice-President, Sustainable Development and External Affairs, Valeo, France
- Axel Greiner, President Federation of Upper Austrian Industry, Greiner Group, Austria
- Peter Schwab, Director R&D, voestalpine Steel Division, Austria
- Sabine Herlitschka, CEO, Infineon Technologies Austria
Part 2 – RTOs supporting the industry
- Wolfgang Knoll, CEO, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
- Wolfgang Pribyl, CEO, JOANNEUM RESEARCH, Austria
- Frank Treppe, Director, Corporate Strategy and International Affairs, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Germany
- Gabriel Crean, Vice-President for Technology and Director for European Affairs, CEA DRT, CEA, France (presentation will follow soon)
- Marc Lemmer, CEO, CRP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
Friday, 9 May 2014
Presentation of YEAR, Caroline Lemeire, VITO
Five Parallel Working Groups: “How can RTOs support the Re-Industrialization in Europe, what can be offered in the near future?”
01. Energy & Processing in Manufacturing
- Moderator: Brigitte Bach, Head of Energy Department, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
- Rapporteur: Marco Falzetti, Responsible EU Research Affairs, CSM, Italy
- Keynote Speaker: Doris Schröcker, Head of Unit Strategy, Directorate Industrial Technologies, DG Research & Innovation, European Commission
02. Microelectronics (“ECSEL”)
- Moderator: Wolfgang Pribyl, CEO, JOANNEUM RESEARCH, Austria
- Rapporteur: Egbert-Jan Sol, Director of Innovation – High-Tech Systems & Materials, TNO, the Netherlands
- Keynote Speaker: Khalil Rouhana, Director for Components & Systems, DG CONNECT, European Commission
- Keynote Speaker: Michel Catinat, Head of the Unit Key Enabling Technologies and Digital Economy, DG Enterprise and Industry, European Commission
03. Green Technologies
- Moderator: Mario Müller, CIO, SFL Technologies, Austria
- Rapporteur: Anne-Christine Ritschkoff, Executive Vice-President Strategic Research, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
- Keynote Speaker: Bernhard Puttinger, CEO, ECO WORLD STYRIA Umwelttechnik Cluster GmbH, Austria
04. Globalisation of R&D
- Moderator: Tatu Koljonen, Vice-President, Strategic Research, Information and Communications Technology, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
- Rapporteur: Georges Kotrotsios, Vice-President Marketing & Business Development, CSEM, Switzerland
- Keynote Speaker: Jens Neugebauer, Director, European Policy and Business Development, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Germany
05. Funding Innovation for Re-industrialization
- Moderator: Siegfried Reich, CEO, Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft, Austria
- Rapporteur: Iñaki San Sebastian, Deputy Managing Director, Tecnalia, Spain
- Keynote Speaker: Maria Khorsand, EARTO Vice-President, CEO, SP, Sweden
- Keynote Speaker: Reinhard Willfort, Director, ISN – Innovation Service Network GmbH, Austria
- EARTO TRLs Reading Paper, Egbert-Jan Sol, Director of Innovation – High-Tech Systems & Materials, TNO, The Netherlands
Keynote speech by Commissioner for Regional Policy Johannes Hahn
Panel discussion and summary
Moderator: Seán McCarthy, Managing Director, Hyperion
- Tatu Koljonen, Vice-President, Strategic Research, Information and Communications Technology, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
- Jo De Boeck, Senior Vice-President and Chief Technology Officer, imec, Belgium
- Iñaki San Sebastián, Deputy Managing Director, Tecnalia, Spain
- Khalil Rouhana, Director for Components & Systems, DG CONNECT, European Commission
- Klaus Pseiner, Managing Director, Die Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG) / The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
- Andreas Gerstenmayer, CEO, Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft, Chairman Forschungsrat Steiermark (Research Council Styria), Austria
- Maria Khorsand, EARTO Vice-President, CEO, SP, Sweden
Article published by TUDOR on the 2014 EARTO Annual Conference (also in French
Article published by FEDIT on the 2014 EARTO Annual Conference (in Spanish)