EARTO Annual Conference 2008 in Madrid, Spain

– Madrid, 28-29-30 May 2008 –

You can see some pictures of the conference here.   Madrid, 28th May, 2008 – EARTO Working Group
  • FP7 Update
  • Current Issues and Priorities for RTOs, Christopher John Hull, Secretary General, EARTO
  • FP7 Certification Procedures
  • Philippe Coenjaarts, Head of Unit, Implementation of Audit Certification Policy and Outsourced Audits, DG Research, European Commission
  • EARTO FP7 Performance Benchmarking Survey first Results, Nina Baumeister, Project Executive, EARTO
  • EU Competition Policy and RTOs
  • State Aid Framework for R&D and Innovation, Lorenz Kaiser, Divisional Director for Legal Affairs and Contracts, Fraunhofer
  • RTOs as “Services of General Interest”, Inigo Sergura, Secretary General, FEDIT
  • Short Presentations by New Members of EARTO
  Madrid, 29th May, 2008 – EARTO Conference “Impacting New Markets”
  • Welcome from FEDIT, Emilio Pérez, President
  • Welcome Erkki KM Leppävuori President
  • Juan Jose Moreno Navarro, Director General Coordination and Planification, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
  • Pilar del Castillo Vera, Member of the European Parliament, Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and EnergySetting the Scene
  • R&D and Innovation Systems in Asia-Pacific, Ester Basri, Senior Analyst, Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, OECD
  • Rethinking the Role of RTOs and Their Service Offerings, Göran Roos, Visiting Professor of Innovation Management and Business Model Innovation, VTT, ppt available on request to Göran Roos
  • The Impact of RTOs on the UK Economy, Peter Oakley, Associate Director TWI
  Parallel Sessions   Geographical Dimension
  • Developments and Opportunities for European RTOs in Emerging Economies, Dirk-Meints Polter, Vice-President, Fraunhofer
  • A Technology-based Approach to Latin American Markets, Manuel Prego, General Manager, ESI
  • Technology Commercialization and Rapid Business Acceleration in Silicon Valley, Ram Mohan, Founder and CEO, inBAC
  • An Industrial Approach to New Markets, Juan Antonio Serrano, International Promotion Manager, CDTI
  Commercial Dimension
  • Selecting Optimal Exploitation Routes for Newly Developed Technologies, Lorenz Kaiser, Divisional Director for Legal Affairs and Contracts, Fraunhofer
  • Marketing technology and Knowhow: Identifying Potential Applications, Finding Customers, Bill Brox, CEO and President, IMEGOCross-sectoral Technology Exploitation,
  • Joan Perra, General Manager, LEITATStimulating Industrial Demand for Innovation and Matching it to Sources of Technology and Expertise,
  • John Hill, Chief Executive Officer, Pera
  Measuring RTO Success
  • RTO impact on SMEs: a Case Study from Finland, Jani Saarinen, Innovation and Technology Policy Manager, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Finland (formerly Senior Research Scientist, Innovation Studies, VTT)
  • FEDIT Economic Impact Measurement of Spanish Technology Centres, Aurelia Modrego and Andrés Barge, University Carlos III Madrid
  • Evaluating Industrial Benefits from RTOs, Maria Kohrsand, CEO, SP Group
  30th May, 2008 – EARTO Conference “Impacting New Markets”
  • Reports from Parallel Sessions
  • The Spanish Innovation System and the Role of RTOs, Daniel González de la Rivera, Deputy General of SMEs Creation, Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade
  • The European Research Area: Analysis and Proposals for its Future Development, Mattias Weber, Austrian Research Centres GmbH and Member of the ERA Rationales Expert Group
  • AERTOs: an RTO ERA-NET, Jens Neugebauer, Fraunhofer, AERTOs Project Coordinator
  • Taking Technology to Market: a European success case in the US, Javier Garcia Martinez, Rive Tech, Founder and CTO
  • EIT Pilot Project COMPLEXEIT, Jean Frédéric Clerc/Adrienne Perves, CEA
  • The European Institut of Innovation and Technology, Lucia Recalde Langarica, European Commission, Directorate General for Education and Culture
  Closing Session
  • Emilio Pérez, President FEDIT
  • Erkki Leppävuori, President EARTO
  • Daniel González de la Rivera, Deputy General of SMEs Creation, Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade