EARTO-EBN-ERRIN High-Level Debate on EU Regional Policies Simplification and Post-2020
– Brussels, 13 October 2016 –

This high level debate explored the ongoing RIS3 implementation by regions coupled with the parallel efforts of the European Commission aiming at ESIF simplification. Both efforts linked together will certainly bring regional innovation policies further. How will our regional innovation landscape will look like post- 2020?
EARTO, EBN & ERRIN members are important regional actors, all of them active together at regional level implementing RIS3 strategies today. They consider the current efforts of the European Commission and European Parliament in terms of RIS3 and ESIF simplification as essential. In this context, ESIF simplification should mean easier and faster access to ESIF to support regional development. Coupled with the current learning process on how to effectively implement RIS3 strategies, simplification may be a powerful tool supporting regional innovation policies post-2020. Adding to this picture, regional authorities and R&I actors are now very much looking forward: trying to find new ways to effectively fund and support the RIS3 implementation using new tools and business models (e.g. Vanguard pilots, new EFSI funds, etc.).
Those various parallel and connected efforts will certainly bring a new picture of Europe regional innovation policies post-2020 and were debated by key actors.
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The event’s presentations
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