EARTO Innovation Awards Ceremony 2016
12 October 2016, 17.30-21.00 BELVue Museum, Brussels –

The 8th edition of the EARTO INNOVATION AWARDS CEREMONY was held on 12 October 2016, 17.30-21.00 at the prestigious BELVue Museum, next to the Royal Palace. This year again a wide range of RTOs’ work was presented through our two categories: “Impact Delivered” and “Impact Expected”. Our guest of honor this year was European Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness Jyrki Katainen, who delivered a keynote speech and handed the awards to the winners.
CEA (Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission) received the award in the Impact Expected category for the development of the wireLEDTM technology, a new generation of 3D LEDs with drastically reduced production costs and higher performance.
PCCL (Polymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH), EARTO member through
UAR (Upper Austrian Research), received the award in the Impact Delivered category for the development of the Syntegra UV technology, an innovative production process which enabled the commercialisation of the first low-allergenic glove.
You can find more about those innovations and other finalists in the
2016 Innovation Awards brochure.
EARTO Press Release
Pictures of the event
Press coverage
- PCCL – PCCL among three of the finalists of EARTO 2016
- Semperit – Semperit and PCCL among the three finalists for the European EARTO Innovation Award
- Eurecat – Una tecnologia d’Eurecat, finalista als EARTO Innovation Awards – 20 September
- La Vanguardia – Nueva tecnología ultrasonidos logra fabricar micropiezas plástico impensables – 25 September
- Interempresas – Una tecnología de Eurecat, finalista en los EARTO Innovation Awards – 26 September 2016
- Diari de Gijona – Un enginy d’ultrasons permet fabricar micropeces amb plàstic – 26 September
- MundoPLAST – La microinyectora Sonorus 1G, finalista en los EARTO Innovation Awards – 27 September 2016
- Fraunhofer IWS – EARTO Innovation Award 2016 goes to Dresden – 13 October 2016
- VITO – VITO project 3rd @ EARTO innovation awards cat. impact expected – 13 October
- PCCL & Sempermed – European innovation award EARTO 2016 goes to Semperit and PCCL – 13 October 2016
- TNO – OptiGrip: Een chirurgisch instrument met gevoel – 13 October
- Orbix – VITO wint brons bij earto innovation awards – 14 October
- Ultrasion – EARTO Awards 2016: 3rd Prize on “Impact Delivered” Category – 17 October 2016
- Pro-Physik – Europäischer Wirtschaftsverband zeichnet Fraunhofer IWS aus – 17 October 2016
- EFI – OptiGrip wins EARTO Innovation Awards – October 2016
- CEA – Le CEA récompensé par le prix EARTO Innovation Awards 2016 pour une LED 3D révolutionnaire – 28 October 2016