EARTO Members

CETIM – Centre Technique des Industries Mécaniques

Country: France Founded in: 1965 EARTO Membership: Individual www.cetim-engineering.com


Key Figures 2024


€ 159M Income

>800 Employees

N/A Patent Applications

N/A Industrial Partners

N/A Spin-offs Created

11 H2020 Projects (eCorda 2020)


Mission & Vision


Mission: Cetim is the French leading technological accelerator for industry. Cetim brings the best of research to manufacturers and offers a global solution of consulting and engineering services. Its multidisciplinary skills and its unique R&D capacity are supported by more than 1,100 experts, doctors, engineers and technicians, who transform every day manufacturing players all over the world, for the benefit of an ever more digital, efficient, positive and sustainable industry, capable of responding to the great economic and ecological challenges of our time.


Vision: The industry is a solution to the major challenges of the time. An ambition: to create an increasingly sovereign, positive and sustainable industry. Our relationship to the world is changing, new challenges are facing us, industrialists, researchers, citizens. Our view of progress is changing. Adapting our economy to energy and environmental challenges is necessary. This is the only way to build a positive and sustainable future. This ecological adaptation will not be possible without industry. Quite simply because it is she who has the most immediate and impactful capacity for action and transformation. To adapt to the world of tomorrow, we must adapt the industry. And to adapt the industry, we must act on the mechanical industries.



Technology Expertise

  • Engineering & Technology: Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering; Mechanical engineering; Materials engineering; Medical engineering; Environmental engineering; Other engineering and technologies
© Photos Credit: CETIM