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ATIGA – The flying radar that saves lives
EARTO Innovation Awards 2019 – Impact Expected Category

Natural disasters, such as earthquakes and other types of disasters, can result in people trapped under debris. Once one of these disasters occur, search and rescue missions are launched. The urban search equipment has been growing fast. For instance, the market for drones, with application to public safety missions, should be worth of $1.15B in 2022.
Innovation: Gradiant, EARTO Member through ATIGA, developed the “Alivetor”, a light-weight radar of 1Kg, conceived as a hanging box for commercial drones. It is made up of a radar module, several radiofrequency components, a processing board and a communication’s link to send results to the controller. Its high mobility and detection capabilities allow to detect survivors safely through 6m of layers of air and quickly, as it covers an area of 100m2 in 30 minutes.
Impact Expected: This innovation has been completely developed by Gradiant since 2013. The survival probability for people trapped under debris is reduced by 50% in the first 24 hours. Alivetor can increase the search speed and allow first responders to search for survivors, while being less exposed to dangers.
More information about this innovation
ATIGA is an alliance of six technological centres in Galicia whose main mission is to generate and to transfer scientific and technological knowledge.