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SCCH (UAR) – Artificial Intelligence puts an end to traffic incidents
EARTO Innovation Awards 2019 – Impact Delivered Category

Despite the many safety precautions in place, serious road accidents still lead to many casualties. Victims of accidents are often people who find themselves outside the safe zones for pedestrians, either due to their own negligence, the actions of others, or technical shortcomings. So far, drivers have not had sufficient tools to recognise dangerous situations in time and react to them quickly enough to prevent dramatic outcomes.
Innovation: Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH (SCCH), EARTO member through UAR, developed in cooperation with AVI Systems GmbH the embedded Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for the AiRVS system, a high-tech camera monitor solution, integrated into any road vehicles. This provides the driver with a powerful tool for detecting persons and objects in real-time (e.g. pushchairs), predicting their possible trajectories. It enables better and earlier warning signals for dangerous situations, helping the driver to react faster.
Impact Delivered: This innovation could improve the overall traffic safety and reduce any kind of accident related costs. The project is now in a pilot phase but has shown a high reliability of up to 99% sensitivity in the fair context. It has open opportunities of €1M in the automotive industry. A 30% turnover increase is expected once the project is sold.
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UAR (Upper Austrian Research Gmbh), together with its associated RTO companies, is promoting innovative solutions at the crossroads where fundamental research meets applied research and offering businesses access to high quality R&D.