Transdermal delivery, or passive diffusion-based patches, has always been seen as a pain free, self-administration and generally applied treatment for local skin solutions. However, it has limited efficacy and is only applicable with certain characteristics substances. Many therapeutic strategies rely on the application of electric fields/currents through the skin with an electronic device comprising skin-contacting electrodes, while aiming at overcoming the skin barrier of the patient.
Innovation: EARTO Member TECNALIA developed the ELCODE – a personalised delivery of active ingredients through a smart device. It is an electrode-controlled transdermal delivery system, which is based on iontophoresis technology and merged with electronics. With its 4 layers, the device offers enhanced permeation of the substance, provides unique features of temporal and spatial control and minimises skin irritations thanks to the electric current applied.
Impact Expected: The ELCODE device has been fully tested in more than 20 model substances in both pharma and cosmetic applications, showing 2-5 times better efficacy treatment. ELCODE is expected to reach the cosmetics’ market in 2022 and the pharmaceutical market in 2025. There is already a confirmed interest from an investor accounting for €300,000. The launch of the first ELCODE product could generate revenue around €30,000 in 2022, which is expected to quickly escalate to €5M total revenue in 2025.
TECNALIA is a Spanish RTO aiming to transform technology into GDP, helping companies to be more competitive and generate wealth and employment.