WG Emerging Technologies for Healthcare

EARTO WG Emerging Technologies for Healthcare is composed of 70 active experts. The WG is looking at promoting & defending the interests of RTOs in the health related funding schemes in Europe, in order to ensure that EU R&I programmes are best attuned to RTOs interests and the needs of the healthcare. The WG is also working towards reinforcing RTOs profile as key players and promoting their specific and unique technology.

Key Topics for 2024

  • Input to Horizon Europe Partnership on Health & Clusters looking at health-related topics
  • Role of RTOs in Horizon Europe, including Partnership (IHI) & JUs
  • Monitor the EU4Health programme
  • Open innovation: OITB, ecosystem for developing and commercialising of health technologies
Cooperation with EC DGs & other Stakeholders

  • European Commission (DG R&I, DG GROW, DG REGIO, DG SANTE, DG CONNECT)
  • MedTech Europe
  • Vanguard Initiative

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