WG Financial Experts

EARTO WG Financial Experts is composed of more than 30 active experts. The WG is looking at the EU financial rules related to Research and Innovation and impacting RTOs. The experts define common positions and organise workshops with key institutional stakeholders to best prepare the financial and simplification aspects of related EU policies.

Key Topics for 2024

  • Ensuring that Horizon Europe financial implementation is at RTOs' benefit via:
    • Commenting impact of current rules for Participation and Model Grant Agreement & Annotated (financial aspects)
  • Sharing best practices on the implementation of financial aspects such as
    • Usual cost accounting practices, unit costs, allocation keys, internally invoiced goods and services
    • Audits, cross-reliance, system and process audits
  • Monitoring Lump-sum implementation
  • Evaluating and commenting the rules for participation of other EU Programmes with an RD&I component: Digital Europe, Defence, Space
Cooperation with EU Institutions & Stakeholders
  • European Commission (DG R&I, DG BUDG)
  • European Court of Auditors (ECA)
  • European Parliament (ITRE, BUDG, CONT)
  • Members States’ Horizontal NCPs
  • Accountancy Europe

Latest Papers Published

25 / 06 / 2018

EARTO Analysis of EC Regulation Proposal: Establishing HEU & its Rules for Participation

EARTO and its members welcome the EC proposal for Horizon Europe, which is in continuity with H2020 and builds on the successes of the previous FPs.

19 / 03 / 2018

EARTO Recommendations for FP9 Rules for Participation: Funding Rules

EARTO brings further suggestions for the elaboration of FP9 Rules for Participation, with the aim of improving the management and efficiency of the FP9.